zurück Übersicht     Kofferfisch Trunkfisch Oman

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It seems like you're referring to the Trunkfish, also known as the Boxfish! These unique and interesting fish are known for their boxy shape and hard, bony outer structure. Here's some detailed information about them:

1. Appearance

2. Habitat

3. Diet

4. Defense Mechanism

5. Behavior

6. Reproduction

7. Popular Species of Trunkfish

8. Aquarium Trade

9. Fun Facts


Trunkfish are fascinating, armored fish that are known for their unique shape and defense mechanisms. They play an important role in their ecosystems by feeding on algae and small invertebrates, and their slow-moving nature and bony plates make them stand out in the underwater world. While they may not be as popular in the aquarium trade as clownfish or angelfish, they are certainly an interesting and unique species with some intriguing behaviors and adaptations.


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