zurück Übersicht      Gelbschwanz Fisch Yellowtail Fish Oman

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The Gelbschwanz Fisch, known in English as the Yellowtail or Yellowtail Snapper, is a popular and striking fish found in warm oceanic waters. The name "Gelbschwanz" translates to "yellow tail" in German, referring to its characteristic yellow-colored tail fin. There are a few species that might be referred to by this name, but the Yellowtail Snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) is one of the most common species associated with this term.

Key Characteristics and Features:

1. Appearance

2. Habitat

3. Diet

4. Behavior

5. Reproduction

6. Conservation and Threats

7. Importance in Ecosystem

8. Economic and Culinary Importance

Fun Facts:


The Gelbschwanz Fisch or Yellowtail Snapper is a beautiful and important species in the tropical marine ecosystems. Its vibrant yellow tail, schooling behavior, and role as both predator and prey make it a fascinating fish. Though it faces some threats from fishing pressures and environmental degradation, efforts are underway to ensure that populations remain healthy and sustainable. The Yellowtail Snapper’s economic value, coupled with its ecological importance, highlights its significance in both marine food webs and coastal economies.


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