Back Baringo   Safari Lake Baringo 2016   zurück Kenia  Rundreise Kenia 2009  Nairobi  Samburu  Nakuru  Masai Mara   Amboseli  Tsavo Mafia   Chimpssafari 2011     Lake Baringo Island Camp

 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheageltree  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheageltree
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheagel on his tree  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheageltree  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheagel
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheagel  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Fisheagel starting for Fishcatching
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hot Springs in the Lake
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel  Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel  Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Eisvogel  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp
 Kenia  Lake Baringo swallows  Kenia  Lake Baringo lokal Fishermen on a mokoro
 Kenia  Lake Baringo swallows  Kenia  Lake Baringo  Kenia  Lake Baringo lokal Fishermen on a mokoro
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Kormoran  Kenia  Lake Baringo lokal Fishermen on a mokoro
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Kormoran  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Kormoran  Kenia  Lake Baringo Kormoran
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Heron  Kenia  Lake Baringo Rock Flowers
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Fisching Malachite Kingfischer
 Kenia  Lake Baringo  Kenia  Lake Baringo Fisching  Kenia  Lake Baringo Malachite Kingfischer
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill  Kenia  Lake Baringo  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill
 Kenia  Lake Baringo weaverbird  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill
 Kenia  Lake Baringo weaverbird  Kenia  Lake Baringo Hornbill
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp    Opuntie  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Nektarbird  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Cormorantree at the Evening Nightplace
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp  Nektarbird  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Cormorantree at the Evening Nightplace
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Cormorantree at the Evening Nightplace Flycater in the paradise
Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Cormorantree at the Evening Nightplace  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Flycater in the paradise
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Flycater in the paradise  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Flycater in the paradise
 Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp  Kenia  Lake Baringo Island Camp Flycater in the paradise  

29.01.25 Copyright   Dirk  Rauschenbach Koelnerstrasse 293 51702 Bergneustadt  Datenschutzerklaerung   02261 9788972  Mail ccooly( at)