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Las Palmas de Gran Canaria San Sebastian La Gomera Santa Cruz Teneriffa Santa Cruz La Palma Sao Miguel Terceira Funchal Arrecife Lanzarote Puerto del Rosario Fuerte
Canarias Canarias Canarias Canarias Acores Acores Madeira Canarias Canarias
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Terceira  Angra de Heroismo
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale Terceira  Angra de Heroismo  Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral  Erlöserkathedrale
Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale
Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Terceira  Angra de Heroismo
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Terceira  Angra de Heroismo
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Terceira  Angra de Heroismo
Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale Terceira  Angra de Heroismo Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale
Terceira Church of the Holy Savior's Cathedral Erlöserkathedrale Terceira  



Azorengemälde  Beachart Caldeira Cabeço Gordo  Caldeira Inferno  Caldeira Velha  Caloura Capelinhos  Faial  Kaimauer Horta  Pico  Picoart   Sao Miguel   SeTE7  

 Acores Übersicht alle Bilder Faial2   Acores Übersicht alle Bilder Faial3   

Azoren Insel Terceira


29.01.25 Copyright   Dirk  Rauschenbach Koelnerstrasse 293 51702 Bergneustadt  Datenschutzerklaerung   02261 9788972  Mail ccooly( at) web.de